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Julian H. Stacey - Standard Replies

Please Do Not Mail Me ! - Do Not Wait For A Reply !
Save us both time - My Standard Replies Here

Standard Replies

  • Automatically sorted in header "Subject:" order.
  • In Simple Ascii Email Format.
  1. Alert: A virus on your computer harvested my address.
  2. Alert: Fix your spam filter that bounces to faked addresses !
  3. Alert: Phishing, Attempted Bank Net Fraud. Please report them to police.
  4. Alert: Registrar, Terminate domain ___ please.
  5. Alert: Your spam filter faulty, bouncing subscription, unsubscribed.
  6. Alert: Your web dead. Offer of web hosting fallback.
  7. Info: CDROM Media Error Report.
  8. Info: Editor, Which One On Unix ?
  9. Info: How Not To Compete For Work In Germany. CV/Resume Order etc.
  10. Info: How to display Headers of your mail
  11. Info: How to pay a British company from Germany
  12. Info: Introduce yourself as an event organiser.
  13. Info: Linux certificates usually red herrings.
  14. Info: MAC Numbers: All you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask.
  15. Info: Metric Prefixes.
  16. Info: Named / Bind / Name Resolver config FAQ.
  17. Info: Nuisance phone calls - Null messages on an Answerphone ?
  18. Info: Ski Form Acknowledgement.
  19. Info: Subscribe to Berklix.Org lists. eg Saturday Beer Gardeners etc.
  20. Info: UPS Batteries Internal Resistance
  21. Info: Web Site Wanted
  22. ISP, Black Hole Listed, Refusal to trace & block a spammer customer.
  23. ISP, Include English In Your Standard Reply
  24. ISP, Please Report Your Customer To Police
  25. ISP, harbours more spammers
  26. ISP, Spam With Full Headers appended.
  27. ISP, Your Spammer customer criminally endangers your business.
  28. No Automatic Replies Allowed To Mail List or List Owner.
  29. No Bank Personal Links
  30. No Bugs - Ideas To Avoid Corona & other Viruses
  31. No Charsets, ie no national alphabets eg German with Umlauts
  32. No Chinese Charset="gb2312", Rejected.
  33. No Corona use
  34. No Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc
  35. No Flash - It Cripples Your Web Site.
  36. No Flash To Me
  37. No Forums @ Google Used Here
  38. No Forwarding by me. Subscribe your sender address.
  39. No Free BSD Support, Buy Support for BSD, Unix, Linux, Internet etc.
  40. No Free Linux Help, Buy Support for BSD, Unix, Linux, Internet etc.
  41. No Free Time To Help, Esp. For Subscription Changes. DIY
  42. No German ! I am an English customer ! Delete German postal address.
  43. No German From Me - Or Not Enough ? - Why Don't I Speak More ?
  44. No German From You Unless It's Your Native Language, I'm English.
  45. No German language at our beer garden events.
  46. No German Subscription, I did Not subscribe In German.
  47. No Glitz On Web Site
  48. No Greetings Cards From Web Sites Seen Here
  49. No Hackers! You Mean Crackers
  50. No I did NOT spam you
  51. No Mail Formats
  52. No Mail In HTML, It Dumps You With Spam.
  53. No Mail In Microsoft Formats, Mail Rejected Unread.
  54. No Mail Via HTTP Web Pages, Mail Rejected.
  55. No Mail With Base64 Text
  56. No Microsoft Used Or Wanted.
  57. No Moaners To Organisers
  58. No RBL Server
  59. No Subscription Requests Forwarded To Me Please
  60. No Subscription Requests To Me/Us, Use The Free Robot !
  61. No Tickets In Advance Distribution For Wine Fests !
  62. No USA local times. Use Global Time GMT=UTC
  63. No Verbose Footer, Terms Rejected.
  64. No Virus Warnings To Me.
  65. No_Unsubscribed_From To reply Set From address_you_receive_on
  66. Re: For Google+ users: BSD community

Web Pages (for more info, not sent as replies).


Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System